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Immortal Man
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Release Information
Kanji 死なない男
Romaji Shinanai Otoko
Airdate October 27, 2011
Opening Boys, Come Back to Me Ending Ikarechimattaze!!

"Immortal Man" is the 16th episode of Mawaru-Penguindrum.



After realizing that she was tricked by Yuri, Masako reminisces about her grandfather, a powerful business tycoon who expelled her father claiming that he was not strong enough to be allowed a place in the Natsume family. After dreaming countless times about having him killed, Masako rejoiced when her grandfather inadvertedly poisoned himself to death by eating ill prepared Fugu. Masako since then assumed control of her family's corporation but was sad that her father had never returned home, until somehow her grandfather's spirit posessed Mario's body and forced her to eat the same poison that killed him to protect her brother, but Sanetoshi appears to save her life. Later, Masako sees Kanba hanging out with the same elusive men who took her father away and Sanetoshi asks Masako to join them in his plan to "put the world back on track" but she promptly refuses.

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